Crafting Elegance: How to Make a Cowrie Shell Bracelet

There are very few artisanal adornments that can match the cowrie shell bracelet's timeless fascination. These bracelets, a blend of natural elegance and human artistry, are far more than plain accessories; they express personal flair and ingenuity.

You don't need to be an expert—just a bit of creativity and a willingness to learn if you'd like to make one of your own. In this guide, we'll learn how to make a cowrie shell bracelet, transforming these simple shells into something incredibly elegant and unique.

bohemian jewelry with cowrie shells

What Does a Cowrie Shell Bracelet Symbolize?

Cowrie shell bracelets have adorned wrists for centuries, carrying cultural significance and symbolic meanings across various societies.

These small, intricately shaped shells aren't merely accessories; they hold stories, traditions, and beliefs. Understanding the symbolism behind a cowrie shell bracelet adds depth to your appreciation for this timeless piece of jewelry.

Historical Significance: Cowrie shells have a rich history of symbolism in different cultures. In many African and Oceanic societies, they represent prosperity, fertility, and protection. The cowrie's distinct shape, resembling a vulva, is often associated with the power of femininity and motherhood. Its role in ancient trade routes also links it to wealth and abundance.

Spiritual Connections: Beyond the tangible world, cowrie shells carry spiritual significance. In some cultures, they are believed to possess protective qualities, warding off negative energies and evil spirits. The shells are sometimes incorporated into spiritual rituals or ceremonies, serving as a conduit between the earthly and spiritual realms.

Symbol of Wealth and Status: In certain societies, cowrie shells were once used as currency, emphasizing their association with wealth. Wearing a cowrie shell bracelet can be a subtle nod to historical economic systems and a symbol of affluence.

Modern Interpretations: In contemporary fashion, cowrie shell bracelets have become a popular accessory, appreciated for their aesthetic appeal and historical resonance. They are not just ornaments; they are statements of cultural awareness and a celebration of diversity.

Gathering Your Materials: What You Need

Crafting your own cowrie shell bracelet can be a rewarding and personalized experience. To make one of your own, you'll need the right materials to bring your vision to life.

1. Cowrie Shells: The star of the show – acquire quality cowrie shells, ensuring they are clean and well-preserved. You can find them at craft stores, online marketplaces, or even collect them yourself if you're near coastal areas.

2. Cord or String: Choose a durable and aesthetically pleasing cord or string to thread the cowrie shells. Leather, hemp, or nylon cords work well, providing stability and complementing the natural beauty of the shells.

3. Beads or Accent Pieces (Optional): For added flair, consider incorporating beads or small accent pieces into your design. These elements can enhance the overall look of your bracelet and add a touch of personalization.

4. Clasps or Fasteners: To secure your bracelet, invest in clasps or fasteners that match your chosen cord. Opt for options that are easy to use and secure to ensure the longevity of your creation.

5. Jewelry Tools: Have basic jewelry-making tools on hand, such as scissors, pliers, and a ruler. These tools will aid in cutting and securing materials, allowing you to craft a polished and well-constructed bracelet.

Now, let's move forward to the steps on how to make a bracelet with cowrie shells.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Cowrie Shell Bracelet

cowrie shell bracelet

Creating your own cowrie shell bracelet can be a rewarding and creative endeavor. Following these steps on how to make cowrie shell bracelets and incorporating the provided tips will guide you through the process of creating a stunning cowrie shell bracelet, showcasing your craftsmanship and attention to detail.

Step 1: Choose Your Cowrie Shells

Begin with selecting high-quality cowrie shells that are uniform in size and free from any imperfections. This ensures your bracelet will have a polished and consistent appearance.

Step 2: Measure Your Wrist

It's important to measure your wrist accurately to ensure the bracelet fits comfortably. Use a flexible tape measure and add a little extra length to your measurement for a perfect fit.

Step 3: Thread the Shells

Now, start threading your chosen cowrie shells onto a durable cord. Make sure the shells are well-aligned and secure on the cord.

Step 4: Secure the Shells with a Knot

After threading the shells, secure them in place with a strong knot. This will keep the shells from moving and ensure your bracelet looks neat and professional.

Step 5: Add Beads or Charms

Personalize your bracelet by adding beads or charms between the cowrie shells. This adds a unique touch and enhances the bracelet's appearance.

Step 6: Ensure Even Spacing

For a visually appealing bracelet, make sure there's even spacing between the shells, beads, and charms. This helps achieve a balanced and harmonious design.

Step 7: Tie Off the Bracelet

Finish your bracelet by tying a tight and secure knot at the end. This knot is crucial for the bracelet's closure and overall durability.

Step 8: Trim the Excess Cord

With your final knot in place, trim any excess cord close to the knot to maintain a clean and polished look.

Step 9: Test the Fit

Finally, try on your bracelet to ensure it fits securely and comfortably. Make any necessary adjustments to achieve the perfect fit.

For those seeking a ready-made option that embodies the timeless elegance of cowrie shell bracelets, the OMAQA Double-Row Cowrie Shell Bracelet is a standout choice.

This exquisite piece features two rows of polished white cowrie shells delicately strung together with black cord, adorned with alternating black beads for added flair.

Styling Tips for Your Cowrie Shell Bracelet

Once you've got the basics of making a cowrie shell bracelet, the next step is to explore styling tips that will make your creation stand out. Follow these guidelines to ensure your bracelet not only showcases your craftsmanship but also complements your unique style.

Uniform Bead Alignment: Arrange beads symmetrically to ensure a visually balanced and polished appearance for your cowrie shell bracelet.

Waxed Cord Selection: For enhanced durability and water resistance, opting for a waxed cord is key. This type of cord not only adds a protective layer to withstand regular wear but also comes in various colors to complement your bracelet's design, adding to its aesthetic appeal.

Vibrant and Neutral Color Mix: Inject life into your bracelet by blending bright colors with understated tones, creating a lively yet balanced look.

Shell Size and Shape Contrast: Introducing a variety of cowrie shell sizes and shapes can significantly enhance the visual interest of your bracelet.

Personalization with Charms: Adding personalized charms to your cowrie shell bracelet is a great way to express your individuality and make your accessory truly unique.

Layering for a Boho-Chic Look: Embrace the boho-chic style by layering your cowrie shell bracelet with other bracelets of different styles, textures, and materials.


You've learned the ins and outs of how to make a cowrie shell bracelet. From choosing the right shells to tying the perfect knots, each step is a mix of creativity and skill.

Now, you have the chance to make a bracelet that's special to you. Armed with your newfound skills and knowledge, you can create your own unique bracelets that tell your story.

Therefore, go gather your materials, and let your creativity ooze as you craft your very own cowrie shell bracelet.


How do I choose the best cowrie shells for my bracelet?

When selecting cowrie shells, consider size and shape. Opt for shells that resonate with your aesthetic preferences. Ensure they are free from cracks or damage.

For a cohesive look, choose shells of consistent size and color. Experiment with a mix of small and large shells for added visual interest. Keep in mind that the quality of the shells will contribute to the overall durability and appearance of your bracelet.

Can I make a cowrie shell bracelet if I have no crafting experience?

Absolutely! Making a cowrie shell bracelet is a beginner-friendly craft. Follow our step-by-step guide for detailed instructions. Start with the basics: quality cowrie shells, durable cord, and essential tools. Take it one step at a time, and don't hesitate to experiment.

With a bit of patience and practice, you'll soon be creating beautiful, personalized cowrie shell bracelets, regardless of your crafting background.

How do I adjust the size of my cowrie shell bracelet for a perfect fit?

Achieving the perfect fit is crucial for comfort. Measure your wrist accurately before starting, and adjust the length accordingly. When in doubt, it's better to err on the side of a slightly looser fit for comfort.

If needed, you can always add or remove shells to customize the size. Keep in mind that a snug but not tight fit is ideal. Experiment with different lengths until you find the size that feels just right for you.