Make Your Silver Necklaces Sparkle Like New: How to Clean Silver Necklace

The silver necklace is a classic jewelry piece that never goes out of style. But how do you keep it looking its best? Cleaning your sterling silver necklace isn't as difficult as you might think, and with these simple advice about how to clean tarnished silver, you'll be able to make it sparkle like new.

Necklace double layer

Why Does the Silver Necklace Need to Be Cleaned?

Cleaning the silver necklace is one of those things that you should do on a somewhat regular basis. You don't want to wait until it's really tarnished before trying to clean it, as this can produce some pretty ugly results and cause permanent damage in some cases.

The main reason you should clean your silver necklace is to remove the built-up tarnish. Tarnish is a natural element that forms on silver over time, and it's not something that can be avoided. However, if you clean your necklace regularly, you can significantly reduce how much tarnish builds up and keep your jewelry looking its best.

Silver jewelry is often treated like any other piece of clothing. The delicate nature and beauty that only shines after years' worth or love put into their craft can quickly dull if not neglected properly with regular care - but this doesn't mean you need an extensive cleaning session! Cleaning your silver chain necklace will leave behind a protective layer so they don’t tarnish fast.

Different Ways to Clean Silver Necklace

How to Clean Silver Chain with Vinegar

When we ask how to clean sterling silver necklace, the first idea that comes to our mind is cleaning it with vinegar. Cleaning jewelry with white vinegar is an old technique that has been around for centuries. It's really easy to clean silver with vinegar and only takes about ten minutes! In order to do this, you need a clean mason jar or another suitable container so the pieces will fit inside nicely without getting scratched by metal edges when they're immersed in the solution. Then just mix two tablespoons of vinegar in a bowl then slowly pour it over the top half-inch area where there are no surfaces that will be directly submerged under liquid but instead only covered by air bubbles rising up through its surface. Next, add five cups of ice-cold water along the same lines as above to ensure everything is submerged under liquid before covering up tightly so no air can get. Finally, take care to rinse and dry your jewelry before you put it back in the box.

How to Clean Silver Necklace with Toothpaste

Another popular way to clean silver necklace is by using toothpaste. This method also takes about ten minutes, and you'll need a small bowl, toothbrush, and of course, toothpaste. Squeeze a pea size amount of toothpaste onto your toothbrush then brush the jewelry gently in a circular motion. Be sure to do this on the back and sides of your jewelry as well, since those areas can sometimes be covered by metal parts. After you've done this for a few minutes, rinse off your silver necklace with water then dry it thoroughly so no moisture remains on its surface before returning it to the box or other container where it's stored.

How to Clean Silver with Coke

Coca-Cola is another great choice for how to clean silver necklaces, especially sterling silver. All you need to do is take a cup of coke and mix it half and half with water in the glass bowl or container where your jewelry will be submerged. Next, add one tablespoon baking soda per every eight ounces of liquid then gently stir everything together. Finally, add your silver necklace and let it soak for at least 30 minutes. Afterward, use a soft toothbrush to scrub off any tarnish then rinse with water and dry completely before returning to storage.

How to Clean Silver Necklace without Baking Soda

Aluminum Foil

Baking soda is a popular choice for cleaning 925 silver jewelry, but if you're not interested in using it or don't have any on hand, there are other alternatives. One option is to use aluminum foil. To do this, crumple up a piece of aluminum foil then place your silver necklace inside. Next, take another piece of aluminum foil and wrap it around your necklace, making sure no part of the silver is showing so that everything in between the two pieces is touching metal. When you're done, place this on a stovetop then turn up to medium heat until all the tarnish begins to disappear from your jewelry.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Another option if you don't have any baking soda on hand is hydrogen peroxide. Pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide onto a clean cloth then rub it gently into your how to clean tarnished silver. Allow it to sit for about five minutes before rinsing off with water and drying completely. You can also use lemon juice as an alternative to hydrogen peroxide - just mix one part lemon juice with three parts waters then apply the same way as hydrogen peroxide.

How to Clean Silver Necklace with Diamonds

Ammonia and Lukewarm Water

Diamonds are some of the most precious and hardest materials on earth, but like anything else, if they aren't cared for properly their beauty can start to fade. The best mixture is one quarter cup ammonia mixed with 1 cup lukewarm water - this should be used as a regular cleaning solution when your sterling silver necklace with diamonds needs an extra deep clean or before you give up hope that enough time has passed since last wearing it out!

Dish Soap

The second option is to soak your silver necklace in a bowl of warm water mixed with dish soap. Gently swirl the jewelry around for a few minutes then use a toothbrush to scrub away any dirt or tarnish. Rinse it off with water, dry it completely, and return it to its storage container.


There are many ways to clean a silver necklace, and the best one for you will depend on what you have available. All of these methods may take a little time but they're worth it in order to keep your jewelry looking its best. So don't wait - try out one of these methods today and see how your silver necklaces sparkle!

Frequently Asked Questions about How to Clean Silver Necklace:

1. How do you clean a silver necklace chain?

Answer: Dip a clean cloth in a solution of olive oil and lemon juice. Apply the solution to the necklace until the latter shines. Rinse the jewelry afterwards, and wipe it dry using a microfiber towel.

2. What is the best DIY technique to clean silver?

Answer: A combination of vinegar, water, and baking soda is the best solution to utilized for a DIY technique to clean silver. This solution is the best cleaning agent in cleansing tarnished silver, as well. Soak the silver in a solution of vinegar, baking soda, and lukewarm water.

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