What Does the Wedding Ring on Right Hand Meaning Tell People?

A wedding ring is more than just a materialistic thing. However, wearing it doesn’t simply symbolize marriage, love, and commitment, either. People Wearing a wedding ring either on the right-hand or left-hand finger has meanings attached to it.

History of Wedding Ring

The first time that wedding rings are exchanged was about 3,000 years ago. At this time, wondering what the wedding ring on right hand meaning to couples was far-fetched from people's minds. The Egyptian pharaohs were the first people who made use of rings to symbolize eternal romantic relationships. Just like a wedding ring on the right hand, a circle starts to form and ends its formation nowhere. A wedding ring is a reflection of the shape of the sun and the moon. The Egyptians gave high regard or value to the sun and the moon. At the time the use of a wedding ring was first conceived, the question as to which hand is the wedding ring on was not known yet, as well. According to the Egyptians, they have always had the notion the ring's hole symbolizes something mysterious. As Alexander the Great took control of the Egyptians, the Greeks have made it one of their customs to exchange a ring on the right ring finger for lovers to pronounce their devotion. Most of these rings are a reflection of the eros or cupid, the love God. When the Roman people took control of Greece, though, they, too, adopted this custom. The Romans, thus, started utilizing an iron and copper ring on the right hand in weddings. Rings made of iron, at times, possess primary themes. Such themes are symbols that by sporting a wedding ring hand, she regulates the distribution of household items. Starting in the second century C.E., the majority of the wedding rings are made of gold. Until now, most couples exchange and sport wearing wedding ring on right hand made of gold.

What Does It Mean Wearing Wedding Ring on Right Hand?

Symbolic Meaning of Which Hand is Wedding Ring On

The symbolic meaning of wearing wedding rings on the right hand varies in accordance to personal preferences, and most often, the culture each person adheres to. The ways each person has been raised as a child influences the choice to wear wedding ring on right hand, and, consequentially, which hand do wedding rings go on for men.

Superstitious beliefs are influential in predisposing people to wear wedding rings on their right hand. Some individuals may have a superstitious belief that the right-hand commands goodness, and, that the left hand is a source of evilness. For this reason, such people may choose to wear wedding rings on their right-hand finger. If these people don't wear their rings on their right hand, they may fear something wrong that might take place.

Types of Wedding Ring on Right Ring Finger Meanings

Birthstone Rings

Birthstone rings are worn as symbols of people's birthstones. These rings are not to be confused with engagement nor wedding rings worn on the right hand in countries where divorce is legalized. The tiny gemstones in the center of these rings are distinct elements that make the birthstone different from wedding and engagement rings.

Cocktail Rings

Cocktail rings bear striking style similarities with birthstone rings. Cocktail rings are also completely different types of rings from engagement and wedding rings on the right hand that widows and other individuals or partners wear. Cocktail rings may be made of either colorless or colored stones, that, in turn, set off a happy-go-lucky mood. These rings, thus, may be influential in putting the wearers in a good mood when the former is worn.

Reasons for Wedding Ring on Right Hand

Wedding Ring Hand for Gay/Lesbian Relationships

God says man is made for a woman, and vice versa. With this said, being committed in homosexual relationships is somewhat considered a societal taboo or a sin. Wearing a wedding ring finger either on the right or left hand, at times, is a symbol of either being righteous or sinful. Wearing wedding rings on the left-hand finger yields an opposite meaning. There are countries whose people wear wedding rings on the right hand. Western countries, though, are not among them. In Western culture, the left hand symbolizes strong moral character and principles. So, western people may view the sight of homosexual partners wearing wedding rings as something to be frowned at. Wearing wedding rings on the right-hand fingers may mean that homosexual partners acknowledge being sinful of engaging in sort of "ungodly" relationships. Such a possible predicament is the reason why there are still many people who object to homosexual marriages.

Wedding Rings for Each Culture and Tradition

The desire to wear wedding rings on the right-hand finger varies by country. Thus, it's safe to say culture does play a role in the choice of people to wear their wedding rings on the right-hand finger. Commitment is one thing that's the common purpose for wearing wedding rings in all cultures. This obvious situation is evident, regardless of whether or not people wear wedding rings on their right- or left-hand ring finger.

Wearing Wedding Ring on Right Hand for the Left-Handed

There are a few left-handed people. A wedding ring on the right-hand meaning may be associated with practicality. To spare their wedding rings from getting tarnished or accidentally damaged, left-handed people wear their wedding rings on their right-hand fingers.

Wedding Rings that Depict Financial Independence

Being righteous has a somewhat synonymous meaning to being powerful or in control. Women are usually viewed as being more fragile than men. So, women wearing their wedding rings on the right-hand finger speaks of financial independence from their fiances or male partners.

Wedding Rings of Family Heirlooms

Some people wear wedding rings that have been passed on from one family member to the next in multiple generations. Family heirlooms signify value given to the next of kin.

Wedding Rings Behind Marriage Cheating

Most people wear their wedding rings on their left hand. So, instead of removing their wedding rings, many people tend to wear their wedding rings on a different finger on their right hand to cheat on their spouses.

Countries that Wear Wedding Ring on Right Hand

Syria, Brazil, Turkey, and Lebanon are the countries with people who wear their wedding rings on the right hand. After the ceremony, though, wedding ring on right hand meaning changes. People in these countries wear wedding rings on the left hand after the wedding ceremony. In India, the left hand is seen as evil or unclean. So, Indians wear wedding ring on right hand. It doesn't matter which hand is wedding ring on. What really matters is there's true love from both parties. A ring on right ring finger is just as good as that on the left ring finger. If one of the partners is in doubt about the meaning of wearing a wedding ring on the right hand, all they have to do is ask the other party. Wearing a ring on right hand may just as well be a partner's or partners' personal choice to do so. Sometimes, people make their own personal choices with no reason for doing so. A wedding ring hand is a symbol of sacred commitment for most, if not, all people around the world. Trust is the other important element in relationships. Wearing wedding ring on right hand shouldn't matter as long as couples have an unwavering devotion for each other.

FAQ About Wedding Rings:

Which hand does a man wear his wedding ring on?

Answer: A wedding ring is worn on the left hand of a man. Wearing a wedding ring on the left-hand finger is a symbol of strong moral character. Therefore, a man wearing a wedding ring on the left hand signifies commitment on the wearer’s part.

Which hand to wear a wedding ring?

Answer: The hand to wear a wedding ring depends on a person's culture. But, usually, it's worn on the left hand. In the western culture, it’s typical for people to wear a wedding ring on the left-hand finger.

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