What to Do with Wedding Ring After Divorce: Reuse or Sell?

Divorce is always something that cannot be overcome. When one or both of the parties are not happy anymore in the marriage, they will be choosing the high road and get a divorce. Anyway, we are going to talk about the complexities of divorce. We will be discussing the second most important question- what to do with wedding ring after divorce?

Whether you are currently undergoing the process of divorce or are just interested in what happens to the wedding ring on the right hand after divorce, you are in luck. We are going to answer this question for you. We will also talk about divorce rings, single rings, and how to repurpose wedding ring after divorce.

Wedding ring

Who Gets the Engagement Ring after Divorce?

Before we go to our main topic on what to do with wedding rings after separation, another question also arises- who gets the engagement ring after divorce? This question might be trickier than it sounds. You may answer readily and say that it is the woman who keeps the engagement ring but it is more complicated than that.

If the failed marriage is caused by the husband, the engagement ring goes to the wife. But there are also special cases wherein the ring is treated as a family heirloom. In this case, the husband can request the court to ask the wife to return the gift even if it is a gift prior to the marriage. Most states in the US consider this as a rule and the engagement ring is returned to the family of the husband.

Some states treat the engagement ring as a joined marital property after marriage. This means that upon settlement, no one owns the ring unless they both agree that one will keep it. If they cannot agree on it, the ring will be appraised and distributed accordingly to the spouses. If no appraisal can be done, the estimate would be two months’ worth of salary.

If the ring belongs to you after the court settles it, you can do whatever you want with it. You may want to redesign your engagement after divorce or just sell it. The decision is now yours.

What to do with Wedding Rings on Divorce?

After the divorce is settled and all is said and done, what do you do with the wedding rings after divorce? We listed a few ideas which may work for you.

1. Repurpose wedding ring after divorce

Wedding rings are still jewelry and they still hold value. But you would not want to wear anything that reminds you of something that you would rather forget. Good thing, you can redesign your wedding ring and turn it into your divorce ring. Moving your wedding ring on your right hand to the left after divorce changes the game. There are also a lot of divorce ring designs that are being offered by jewelry shops. Your divorce ring, or simply put, single ring, will definitely accentuate your outfit.

Divorce rings are gaining popularity nowadays. Not that jewelry shops want couples to divorce but that it is nice to know that divorce ring designs are available in the market today. Divorce ring etiquette is quite blurry in terms of what you can and cannot do with the ring. As long as you have settled everything with your spouse, you can do whatever you want with your wedding ring.

You can put a quote or word on your single ring to inspire you to be strong or improve your life. You can also pick heart, arrow, anchor, or tree designs. You may also have your wedding ring remolded into something that you can actually use after your divorce. A lot of divorce ring ideas can be found online.

2. Redesign your ring into another accessory

You should not just stick to a particular kind of ring for the redesign. With the technology that we have nowadays, you can convert your wedding ring into a different kind of accessory altogether. Go to a jewelry shop and ask them to change your ring into something that would not remind you of the past. You may want to have it remodeled into a necklace pendant, a bracelet, or an anklet.

3. Give it to your children

You can save your wedding ring for your kids. Give it to them as a family heirloom which they can use once they decide to get married. Get a fancy jewelry box or keep it in a safe. Then, when the right time comes, you can give it to your daughter or son for their own use.

4. Sell your wedding ring after divorce

One of the surest ways to forget about your marriage is to sell everything that is associated with your marriage. This means selling your wedding ring band after divorce. Most spouses always ask what to do with their wedding rings after separation. To have your wedding ring disposed of and earn money at the same time is a win-win situation.

5. Give it back to your ex-husband or ex-wife.

Do you want to leave your marriage in an honorable way? You can do this by returning the wedding ring to your ex-spouse. With this, you are finally closing this chapter of your life and moving on with what your journey has in store for you. This is also a good gesture if the ring is treated as an heirloom by the family of your ex-spouse.

6. Donate your wedding ring to a worthy cause

You can find organizations that receive jewelry as a donation. These groups partner with jewelry shops to convert the ring into cash. In this way, you can start moving past your marriage and help people in need at the same time.

Frequently Asked Questions about What to Do with Wedding Ring After Divorce

1 Is it normal to wear a wedding ring after the divorce?

More often than not, people who get divorced instantly remove their wedding rings as soon as the process of divorce is ongoing. But there are still people who keep wearing their wedding rings even after the court settled your case. It really depends on your preference and motivations on why you are still wearing your wedding ring.

2 What finger do you wear your divorce ring on?

There are no official rules regarding divorce rings but you can still follow the usual norm on this jewelry. A divorce ring is worn on the fourth finger on the left hand. People who get divorced do this to replace the wedding ring and to give them a remembrance of what happened and what is to come after their marriage has ended. This is the ex-spouse's answer to the question of what to do with wedding ring after divorce.

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